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Thursday, May 20, 2010

 It is more exciting if people are busy in visiting your site. It is somehow consoling to our side if we know people are start to idolize our site. Now here, I'm sharing to you this beautiful idea of Kranthi of about how to track your visitors. And here I have to borrow his write ups for us to know of how to do it.

Kranthi says, as a new blogger(webmaster),it is always interesting to know how many people are visiting your blog/site,pageviews,where they are coming from,which sites are referring,how many are coming via Search Engines(google,yahoo,etc) and what they are typing in the search engines to visit your site.And this is for FREEsmile

He says, there are a lot of this tracking site but there are some who are so friendly to use and can be copied to your sites.
So,how to do this?
Here are the best tracking sources interms of the feautures they provide.

Note:One thing is common for all the tracking sites.First you need to register,and provide the necessary information about your blog/website.Next,they will give you a html code and you have to embed it in your blog.
How to do that in blogger?
1.Sign in to your blogger dashboard.
2.Click on the 'layout' link next to your blog name.
3.Click on the "Add a Page element"
4.Select "html/javascript" and past the code they provide and SAVE THE CHANGES.

From then,your blog will be tracked and you can check your blog stats from time to time after logging in to your registrate's website.

So,here are the good ones:- one is one of the Most Popular tracking source.This is as simple as 123. Just create an account,copy the code from your account and paste it in your blog as suggested above.
You have also the option to keep your blog stats PRIVATE.
They will give you the stats on how many pageviews(hits) per day,unique visitors,geolocation of the visitors,how many users online,and much more...As it is simple(not much animation),you site will load as fast as it is before.Stats are updated hourly.
You can setup a Free Account here the Sitemeter which is very simple, this site will have very cool and animated counters.
animated countersanimated countersanimated countersanimated 

Tracking is updated every 5 minutes.I personally using this site for my blogs.Like Sitemeter,
this is also have the option to keep your site stats PRIVATE.
They will provide Animated graphs about your site visitors and fully animative.
You can register with them here

statcounter here!As in the name,it is a stats counter.It is fast,free,and quick loading.
Invisible tracking is available and no ads on your site.All the stats are in real time and super fast.It is not much animated as will provide pageviews,unique vistors,visitors activity,search engine wars,keyword analysis,and many more..
Register a free counter for your blog here

If you want to know more please feel free to visit:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Judgement Day! (May 10, 2010)

What I'm inserting now is not a guide or a scheme of how to do the best of your blogs, but it's somehow, for me, the best thing to talk about.

May 10, 2010 is the Judgment day of the electorial candidates from the President of the nation down to the Local Government level.The fate of these candidates depend on the thumb of the people. It is the peoples choice. It is the People's power. Starting now, I sense the thrembling of the knees of these candidates. Some now are kneeling and praying that they will be luckily chosen by the people. And some are planning to do some magic tricks in this coming election. Probably, they hired now the so-called "quack-doctor" to manipulate their winning. But the election's fate precisely does'nt depend in the hand of the "quack-doctors". It is indeed in the hand of the People. The glorious winners are being ratified only in the rightful choice of the people.
God bless us all. God blesses Philippines.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We all have the reasons to find additional income and fail to look up ourselves. We have money but our health fade like a leaf in a tree. That is why I do appreciate what the owner of the bloggertricks ( share to us, about bloggers' heatlh.

In Today’s world, large number of working professionals belong to IT profession and bloggers too come in this category regardless of their part time or full time blogging.

There are numerous health problems faced by those people and the main reasons for their unhealthy conditions are:

» Carelessness on their own health
» No time to take care of themselves
» Long hours work
» Mental strain or stress

I would like to help you with some very simple and useful tips. And I hope that it will help you all in living better and longer with good health.

1. Back pain, neck pain and hand pain :

These problems can be solved by stretching your neck before starting your work and do some simple exercises for your hand, wrist and fingers. Posture is important and you must maintain straight posture. Take breaks in between your work if you are working for long hours.

2. Eye problems:

Eye problems are very common. For this you have to avoid sitting long hours before computer or laptop screens. Drink more water to avoid puffiness. Do some eye exercises (refer some exercises related to eyes). You can use anti-glare glasses to avoid strain on eyes.

3. Obesity and weight gain:

These problems are due to sedentary life style. The only solution for this is to exercise and exercise. Do daily morning exercises for at least 30 minutes or if you have no time you can do it in your working place or office before starting your work. AVOID JUNK FOODS.

4. Stress and depression:

To solve these problems you must have positive attitude. Have enough sleep and relax your mind by practicing meditation and yoga.

5. Bad addictions ( alcohol and smoking):

This is a very important which must be seriously looked into. People living in this tech world are very easily get carried away by the addictions which are very bad for the health and wealth as well. Learn tips that can help you in avoiding those addictions. Consult your doctor and take counseling.

Hope the above mentioned tips will help you to lead a very happy and healthy life.
Thank you so much "blogger tricks" (

Many of us bloggers are wanting our blogs more profitable. We try to find ways to maximize it. But by adding ADSENSE inside blog posts can maximize your earnings a lot.

One thing that is consider mortal sin to blogging is, if you directly paste adsense code in blog template, it will give you BX error. So, you need to first convert the code....and this tool will do just that. Just put your ADSENSE code in the box and it will generate the encoded code which you can put anywhere you want in your template.

You can also use this tool for any other codes too.. (brite,chitika,etc)
I'll write a detailed post about how to add adsense inside blog posts in different positions soon..

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