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Friday, May 7, 2010

Judgement Day! (May 10, 2010)

What I'm inserting now is not a guide or a scheme of how to do the best of your blogs, but it's somehow, for me, the best thing to talk about.

May 10, 2010 is the Judgment day of the electorial candidates from the President of the nation down to the Local Government level.The fate of these candidates depend on the thumb of the people. It is the peoples choice. It is the People's power. Starting now, I sense the thrembling of the knees of these candidates. Some now are kneeling and praying that they will be luckily chosen by the people. And some are planning to do some magic tricks in this coming election. Probably, they hired now the so-called "quack-doctor" to manipulate their winning. But the election's fate precisely does'nt depend in the hand of the "quack-doctors". It is indeed in the hand of the People. The glorious winners are being ratified only in the rightful choice of the people.
God bless us all. God blesses Philippines.


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